The 10 Best Tea Books in the Last 10 Years: A Comprehensive Guide

By Tom

Tea is not just a beverage; it’s a universe of flavors, aromas, and experiences. And what better way to explore this universe than through books? Whether you’re a novice tea drinker or a seasoned connoisseur, there’s a tea book out there for you. In this article, we’ll delve into some of the best tea books released in the last five years, covering a range of topics from the meditative aspects of tea drinking to the nitty-gritty of tea production.

For the Novice:
“Three Basic Teas & How to Enjoy Them” by Virginia Utermohlen Lovelace (2017)

  • Knowledge Level: Beginner
  • Why Read: This book is a deep dive into the processing methods of green, oolong, and black teas. It’s perfect for those who are new to tea and want to understand the basics.
  • My Take: I appreciated how the author broke down the complexities of tea processing into easily digestible information. It’s a great starting point for anyone new to the world of tea.

For the Environmentalist:
“The World Tea Encyclopaedia” by Will Battle (2017)

  • Knowledge Level: Intermediate
  • Why Read: This book covers the social and environmental impact of tea production. It’s a comprehensive guide that even explores lesser-known tea-producing regions.
  • My Take: I was particularly struck by the author’s focus on sustainability and ethical practices in tea production. It made me more conscious of my choices as a consumer.

For the Historian:
“Ceylon Tea: The Trade That Made a Nation” by Richard Simon (2017)

  • Knowledge Level: Intermediate to Advanced
  • Why Read: This coffee-table book is a visual and textual journey through the history of Sri Lanka’s tea trade.
  • My Take: The historical photos and narratives transported me back in time. It’s a must-read for anyone interested in the history of tea and its impact on global trade.

For the Health Conscious:
Tea & Your Health” by Dr. Tissa Amarakoon and Prof. Robert F. Grimble (2017)

  • Knowledge Level: Beginner to Intermediate
  • Why Read: This book aims to dispel myths and explain the scientifically proven health benefits of tea.
  • My Take: I found the evidence-based approach refreshing. The book provides a balanced view, debunking some popular myths while confirming the health benefits of certain types of tea.

For the Culture Enthusiast:
“The Book of Korean Tea” by Yang-Seok (Fred) Yoo (2017)

  • Knowledge Level: Advanced
  • Why Read: This is perhaps the most complete book on Korean tea, covering production methods, classification, and culture.
  • My Take: The depth of cultural insights offered in this book is unparalleled. It’s not just a book about tea; it’s a book about Korean heritage and traditions.

For the Meditative Soul:
“Tea-Spiration: Inspirational Words for Tea Lovers” by Lu Ann Pannunzio (2016)

  • Knowledge Level: Beginner
  • Why Read: This book is a beautifully illustrated guide through the emotions evoked by the tea experience.
  • My Take: I loved how the author connected the act of drinking tea with mindfulness and emotional well-being. It’s a soothing read that pairs well with a cup of tea.

For the Culinary Adventurer:
“Matcha: The Cookbook” by Gretha Scholtz (2016)

  • Knowledge Level: Intermediate
  • Why Read: This book offers 69 recipes that incorporate matcha, from savory dishes to desserts.
  • My Take: As someone who enjoys cooking, the variety of matcha-based recipes was a delight. The Matcha Panna Cotta was a hit in my household!

For the Serious Student:
“Tea: A User’s Guide” by Tony Gebely (2016)

  • Knowledge Level: Advanced
  • Why Read: This book is considered one of the best serious tea education books on the market.
  • My Take: The book is like a tea encyclopedia but far from dry or boring. It’s a valuable resource that I find myself returning to time and again.

For the Event Lover:
“Tea Lover’s Festival: 10 Years” by Kulov (2016)

  • Knowledge Level: Beginner to Intermediate
  • Why Read: This book is a look back at the “Tea Lovers Festival’s” 10-year run in Los Angeles.
  • My Take: This book was a fun read that captures the spirit and community of the Tea Lovers Festival. It’s a nice keepsake for anyone who has attended or plans to in the future.

For the Comprehensive Reader:
“The World Atlas of Tea” by Krisi Smith (2016)

  • Knowledge Level: Intermediate
  • Why Read: This book aims to be a complete atlas to tea styles from around the world, although it focuses more on general information.
  • My Take: I appreciated the global perspective this book offers. It’s like taking a world tour of tea without leaving your living room.


From beginners to advanced tea enthusiasts, the last five years have offered a wealth of books to expand your knowledge and deepen your appreciation for this ancient beverage. So, pick up one of these books and embark on your own tea journey today! Whether you’re looking to expand your palate, understand the intricacies of tea production, or simply find a book that pairs well with a cup of tea, this list has something for everyone.

About the author

I'm Tom, a certified tea sommelier with a passion for the world's beloved beverage. With years of experience exploring tea gardens in Asia and tea houses in Europe, I'm dedicated to sharing the art, history, and culture of tea.
Tea isn't just a drink; it's a bridge between cultures, a source of comfort, and a canvas for creativity. Join me in exploring tea estates, unraveling tea processing, and discovering innovative tea recipes. Whether you're a connoisseur or a newcomer, let's unlock the world of tea together. 🍵✨ #TeaSommelier

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